Format: 2025-02-14
  • 29.11.2013

    Promoting Business Strategy for Growth: B2B Networking Event, Lisbon

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    The Enterprise Europe Networking – PORTUGALINOVA NET consortium is pleased to invite you to the B2B Networking Event on 29th 2013, in Lisbon. This event is organized in the framework of a Mission of Vice President Antonio Tajani to Portugal, with the support of the Enterprise Europe Network and the aicep Portugal Global....

  • 17.10.2013

    Test 1

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    Test 1

  • 07.10.2013

    4. međunarodni poslovni susreti B2B@SASOfair 2013

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    Partneri u Evropskoj preduzetničkoj mreži (EEN) Ured za transfer tehnologije Sveučilišta u Splitu, Hrvatska gospodarska komora i Poslovno-inovacijski centar Hrvatske - BICRO te strani partneri iz EEN mreže pozivaju Vas na četvrte međunarodne poslovne susrete, koji će se održati 25. oktobra 2013, na sajmu SASO u Splitu,...